Aged Sumatra

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A very rich coffee with a slight hint of a tropical wood flavor, a concentrated dried fruit sweetness, herbal notes, and ample body. good aged coffees are very hard to find, due to the lengthy aging process and the fact that coffee exporters usually want to convert their coffee to cash as soon as possible. but there are a few who are willing to wait, knowing that the fine aged coffee can be worth quite a bit more. the challenge is to find the coffee that was good enough in the first place to become the aged coffee worthy of peet’s customers. aging must take place in a tropical environment, where beans take on moisture at the height of the monsoon season, and give it back during the drier season, without ever drying completely. this process deepens the flavor and makes it mellower, while accentuating certain taste components over others.. (per lb) 16.95
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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