Arabian Mocha-java

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The world's most famous coffee blend; full-bodied, bittersweet chocolate overtones enhance mocha-java's rich, complex flavors. mocha-java is the world's most famous coffee blend. when someone first thought of combining these two origins, it was before coffee was widely grown around the world. these two coffees were undoubtedly much different from those which the countries of yemen and indonesia produce today, although yemen still produces its coffee under very primitive conditions. as with any blend everything depends on the quality of the coffees used, and in this case the result is a delicious full-bodied coffee with bittersweet chocolate overtones on top of rich and complex flavors. while americans associate the word mocha with chocolate, they've reversed the facts: when cocoa was first refined and sold in europe, it reminded people of mocha coffee from yemen
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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