Earl Grey With Lavender

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Peet’s unique blend of five teas mixed with fragrant lavender flowers. a refreshing and relaxing earl grey. it was fashionable in england during the 19th century to make "house blends" of teas, sometimes including other botanicals in the blend. this gave rise to the popularity of bergamot as a tea flavoring, but there were other, now forgotten tea blends as well. this earl grey uses french lavender flowers with a blend of five teas that achieves a unique floral and herbal cup quality. there is no other blend of teas quite like this one (and is quite a surprise to more than few tea drinkers), but it is an old favorite at our original berkeley store. each 4 oz tin of loose leaf tea makes about 40 cups.
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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