Kenya Auction Lot

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Mellow, balanced acidity with sublime overtones of berries and citrus fruits. for more than 20 years, peet's has bought coffee directly from the kenya auctions. the auctions are a unique system with coffee sold lot by lot to the highest bidder. this is the ultimate meritocracy for coffee, with choice lots reaching the highest prices. our long experience is unparalleled – and we're unusual in our practice of buying only single lots direct from the auction, rather than a stock blend made up of coffees of varying quality. for a few weeks in march and april, when the crop is at its seasonal best and the pick of top-grade lots come to auction, we work with our longstanding partner in kenya, narrowing down hundreds of offerings to the few we bid on. it’s a frenzied and exciting time, with intense competition to secure the most sublime lots. we’re sent samples direct from the auction, and have just a day to taste, debate, compare and then finally make our bids. only a few select lots meet our standard for kenya perfection: wonderfully aromatic, juicy, lively, with complex flavors hinting of citrus and blackberry. this is precision buying down to the finest level, with every lot we buy a prize of the highest quality. many say kenyan coffee is the best in the world – we think our auction lot is the best of the best.. (per lb) 16.95
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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