Phoenix Mountain Oolong

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Long, jet-black leaves that yield a sweet, rich and pungent flavor with hints of apricot and roasted grains. phoenix (fenghuang) mountain is located near the coast in china's guangdong province. for several hundred years, small farmers have grown a unique strain of the tea bush here, notable for its thick central trunk. the freshly picked leaves are hand-processed in small batches by skilled workers, who labor through the night alternately rolling the leaves, then allowing them to rest. afterward, the leaves are baked four to five separate times over coals until completely dried. the long, jet-black leaves turn olive green after steeping, and yield a strong, natural flavor with hints of apricot, plum and roasted grains. hand-crafting oolong tea on pheonix mountain in guangdong, china. each 2 oz tin of loose leaf tea makes about 20 cups.
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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