Sakura Mochi Domyogi Tsubushi Anko

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Sakura mochi originated at the mukojima chomeiji temple by the sumida river in tokyo, cherry trees had been planted on the bank of the sumida river where the temple stood, the gatekeeper of mukojima chomeiji temple, shinroku yamamoto would wrap rice cakes in the leaves of the cherry trees and give them as presents to people who came to view the cherry blossoms in spring, this was the beginning of sakura mochi, while sakura mochi has changed slightly since that time with the addition of adzuki paste, sakura mochi's delicious taste comes from the unique combination of a salted cherry leaf wrapped around a sweet bean paste pastry, this combination of sweet and salty has made sakura mochi a favorite among people of all age groups the pastry’s pink color also makes it an ideal spring item which is also known as the cherry blossom season.
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118 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 624-1681

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